My wife Biane, during the period when she was breastfeeding, Biane had hypertension.
Posted by:
Feb 14, 2022
Biane's boobs were always beautiful, but the pregnancy made a revolution, they increased a lot, even because she had hypertension, her nipples darkened, as expected, although she said that it was a period where her boobs hurt a lot, it was an incredible time , especially when she was breastfeeding in public, I loved it hahaha
Recent Comments for My wife Biane, during the period when she was breastfeeding, Biane had hypertension. (64)
Blane has the most perfect tatas and dark chocolate nipples I have ever ; She is incredibly gorgeous as well. Please submit more and when she has her vertical smile out for the camera, please please be shaved smooth because I guarantee smooth will result is the best votes ! and cash !
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My wife Biane, during the period when she was breastfeeding, Biane had hypertension.
Posted by: Biane
Biane's boobs were always beautiful, but the pregnancy made a revolution, they increased a lot, even because she had hypertension, her nipples darkened, as expected, although she said that it was a period where her boobs hurt a lot, it was an incredible time , especially when she was breastfeeding in public, I loved it hahaha