I’m baaaaack! Do you even remember me? (Pout.) It’s been about a year and a half since I last posted, and do you want to know why? Because none of you panty-sniffers have been buying my panties! So, we fell on hard times (she said HARD, he he he), and lost our memberships to these WONDERFUL sites! Then VW wrote to ask about me, and, when I told them my sob story, they helped a sister out! In return, here I am, whoring myself for you. SO… enjoy this first of FOUR sets (that’s right 4, for those of you who will comment about the lameness of number one). We called this contri ‘Bat Girl’, because… well… because… you’ll see. LOVES AND KISSES, spanky!
We can argue the merits of aluminum bats but I think at the end of the day, a girl's gotta have wood between her legs, am I right? Of course I am. Nice to see you again. Haven't had to wipe cum off my iPad from jerking my meat over you in a while! Sure would love a taste of your honey, babe. MNOralFool on yahoo.
From the looks of the thumbs of your previous contis, you have to be one hot cock sucking lady. I'd love to have you suck mine. I would even suggest you let me eat your pussy while you suck my cock. But, my choice would to be that we wait to cum when we get around to fucking.
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STCL - Bat Girl 1 of 4
Posted by: South Texas Cock Lover
I’m baaaaack! Do you even remember me? (Pout.) It’s been about a year and a half since I last posted, and do you want to know why? Because none of you panty-sniffers have been buying my panties! So, we fell on hard times (she said HARD, he he he), and lost our memberships to these WONDERFUL sites! Then VW wrote to ask about me, and, when I told them my sob story, they helped a sister out! In return, here I am, whoring myself for you. SO… enjoy this first of FOUR sets (that’s right 4, for those of you who will comment about the lameness of number one). We called this contri ‘Bat Girl’, because… well… because… you’ll see. LOVES AND KISSES, spanky!